Monday, April 1, 2013

Mauritius and S. Africa

Sorry I haven't written in so long.  I have been having way too much fun.  We stopped in Mauritius for only a few hours.  It is a small island in the Indian Ocean, but it was beautiful.  I don't have too many pictures because Mama always forgets the camera and Papa was busy helping people who had passport issues get them fixed.  Papa spent the day at the US Embassy.  Mama, Julian, Cassidy and I spent the day shopping and walking around and eating ice cream, and going to the park.

We had a long sail to South Africa.  Mama said that Julian and I had been there before, but I didn't really remember that.  In South Africa, we spent most of our time in Cape Town.  We went to the Waterfront a lot, but also went to see the penguins in Boulder's Beach, had lunch in Simon's Town, and took a cool scenic drive along the coast.  The Waterfront was the best part for me, though, because they had a big playground with a huge globe.  They also had an aquarium and we spent time there watching all the fish and sharks and crabs and frogs and stuff.  We went back the next day, but Papa didn't go with us.  Then we found out that the guy swimming in the big aquarium tank with all the sharks WAS papa and Julian and I freaked out and ran all around the place yelling at people that Papa was in the tank.  Everyone laughed.

Cape Town was a great place to spend six days.  Now we are sailing to Ghana.  None of us have ever been there, so it should be fun to explore.  I will write more when we get there- this time I promise!


  1. AWESOME Parker !!!! Glad you are having !!!! We love you all very much !!!! XOXO Madrina Ivette, Tio Ivan, Jasmine & Jaylene
