Saturday, April 13, 2013


We went to Ghana after South Africa.  It was very different from South Africa.  It was hotter for sure.  I was sweating all day and even at night sometimes.  Julian and I went to the beach with Mama and Papa and Cassidy one day.  We learned how to play drums and dance.  It was fun because Julian doesn't know how to dance- he just moves his butt and smiles.  Papa says that is how most males dance.  I laughed. We performed some drumming and dancing for the village.  We were good, but not as good as the people from the village.  They were very good.

We ate lots of cool food in Ghana.  Papa had something called fufu.  It was made of bananas and corn and came with some kind of spicy soup poured on it.  It looked like Cuban food a little.  Papa said it was very tasty.  Another day he had something called Red Red.  He said that was red beans and red sauce- it looked like spaghetti sauce.  Also very good.  Julian and I ate pizza or chicken.  It is what we do.

Now we are on our way to Morocco, but we are going to make a stop in a place called Gambia to pick up gas for the ship.  No one is going to get off the ship.  Papa said that doesn't count as a country we visit.  I think it does.  I win.

Papa said the trip is almost over.  I am sad, but I am excited to get back to Miami and see my friends and family.  Hopefully I will see you soon.

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