Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sayonara, Japan

Wolfie and I went to Japan. Mama, Papa, Julian and Cassidy came with us. The boat went under a big bridge and we stopped in a city called Yokohama. Then we took a train to Tokyo. Tokyo was fun. When we got to the hotel, there was a cookie for me and Julian with our names on it. I ate mine. I ate Julian's. Papa and Mama woke up early to eat raw fish. Gross. I slept. There was lots to do in Tokyo. I learned how to say hello, and thank you, and raw fish in Japanese. We went to a place with lots of Legos.  Then another place that had so many video games!  Then we ate.  Papa and Mama and Cassidy had more raw fish.  They said they ate horse, too.  I hope they were being silly.  Julian and I ate chicken.  I got really tired both days in Tokyo.  I was up early the day we left.  We took a really fast train to another city called Kyoto. It has the same letters as Tokyo, but it doesn't sound or look the same. Julian and I liked the big tower you could see from the hotel. We met a nice lady who showed us some shrines, temples, and palaces. Then we went to a place to eat that had raw fish on a rollercoaster. It was fun but I didn't eat until the french fries came down the rollercoaster. We are headed back to the ship today. We will go to a place called Kobe by train and get on the boat there and then leave Japan at night. I will miss Japan. Papa took lots of pictures and movies so I can remember. I will add them here.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

No Tomorrow

Today is January 20th.  Papa said tomorrow is January 22nd.  That does not make sense.  Apparently if you go left on the map a long time you lose a day.  We will lose January 21st.  I will miss it.  I explained this to Julian.  He laughed and scratched his tummy and fell asleep.  One of my friends on the boat, Elise, understood when I explained it.  She is smart.  We sailed together before in Summer, 2010.  We run around the ship acting like cats.  She meows loud.  I meow louder.  It is a great game.  We still have a few more days until we get to Japan.  This is a long trip.  I am glad Elise is here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hilo, Hawaii

We arrived on the island yesterday.  Papa called it the big island.  It is big and I guess there are other islands around here that aren't as big.  Mama said there is a volcano here!  Maybe that is why it is so cloudy.  We went to the zoo yesterday and saw lots of animals.  Papa took pictures and is adding them after I write.  We saw lots of birds, a big pig, lizards and iguanas, monkeys, and animals I didnt know like a marmoset, ring-tailed lemur (he looked like zoomabufu) and a skink (it did not smell that bad).  We went to see the white tiger but he was sleeping somewhere and we could not find him.  Julian liked the zoo, too.  He ran around screaming and pointing everytime we found a new animal.  He is just a kid, so I put up with it.  Papa tried to make me eat something called poi when we went to eat after the zoo.  I ate mac and cheese. Tonight we leave to go to another island called Japan. It will be a long time until we get there so I might write again between now and then.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pacific Ocean

We are on our way to an island called Hawaii.  Papa says there are lots of people on the boat.  He also says it is not a boat, it is a ship.  Lots of the people on the boat are going to class.  I go to class with Julian and a few new friends- Dante, Gabe, Elise, and a few others.  Today, I have show and tell and I brought Wolfie.  He is my travel friend.  He is a dog.  He eats cats.  I like that.  Papa said we have 4 more days until we reach the island.  We are going to go to the zoo and I will let you know what I see.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We are in Atlanta waiting for our next flight. It is cold. Good thing I brought my hoodie. Two hour wait. Julian is not happy. Wolfie is hungry. So is Mama. Papa is drinking apple juice. I think it is apple juice

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

We leave tomorrow

I cannot sleep.  Woke up and broke into Papa's computer.  It was easy.  Tomorrow we get on a plane.  I know we are going to be gone a long time.  I will miss school but am excited to be going to new places.  I packed my bag.  I am bringing Wolfie, my bat and ball, crayons, and my phonics book.  Mama said she packed clothes too.  Time to play on the iPad while I wait for everyone to wake up.